Here at quicknsimple, we believe that exercise should be simple and quick. 

While the quest for the ‘perfect’ body is common, it’s vital to recognize that it might not always be a realistic goal.  Our core belief is centred around feeling good about yourself, maintaining a healthy size, and promoting an overall well-being.  We encourage a mindset that doesn’t rely solely on timers or apps but emphasizes on consistent physical activity as the key to a healthier lifestyle.

If you perform exercises correctly, pushing yourself to do as many as you can each day, you will see improvements.  There is nothing more rewarding than, after just 1 or 2 days, noticing that you can do an extra squat, sit-up, or are simply able to go that little bit further.  Forget about the Apps, and instead select 3-4 exercises, perform them well at your own pace, then tomorrow just see if you can do 1 more.

Even if you don’t succeed in adding an extra rep, the crucial point is that you’re engaging in regular exercise, which will ultimately lead to enhanced health, weight loss, and greater overall well-being.  By simply doing something every day, you’ll naturally witness improvements.  Once you master an exercise or find it easy, change it up by trying a new one or maybe introduce weights to push yourself that little bit further.

Lastly, let’s talk about diet. If you’re here, then, like me when I began my fitness journey, I wasn’t necessarily eating terribly, but I knew there was room for improvement. Making sensible changes in my eating habits made a noticeable difference. I didn’t need a major overhaul; simply cutting down on snacks and takeaways and adjusting my portion sizes did the trick. I’ll be honest; it wasn’t always easy to resist finishing my kids’ meals or indulging in a little extra something as a reward, but those small changes started to pay off.

One thing that made a significant impact and which I now passionately advocate for is drinking more water. Staying hydrated not only benefits your body’s functions but also helps curb your appetite, flush out toxins, and reduce water retention. Initially, you may find yourself visiting the loo more frequently, but just like with exercise, your body adapts, and the health benefits are well worth it.

In summary, my advice is to focus on making sensible adjustments to your diet, be mindful of portion sizes, and cut down on unnecessary snacks and takeaways. Emphasize the importance of staying hydrated by drinking plenty of water—it’s a simple yet powerful tool for weight loss and overall well-being. Trust me; these changes can make a real difference in your journey towards a healthier and happier you.

From us all here – happy exercising!